
Rhymes table

Rhymes table

The following terms and abbreviations are used in the tables.

ΡΖ = rhyme pair, i.e. two verses which rhyme at their ends

PZ I = the first part in a rhyme pair

PZ II = the second part in a rhyme pair

C = consonant

V = vowel

S = singleton consonant

C1 = the first consonant in a consonantal cluster

C2 = the second consonant in a consonant cluster 

In the following examples, a prototypical rhyme (i.e., the part from the first stressed vowel on) appears underlined. The consonants of a rich rhyme appear in bold. The segments C or V that are different in an imperfect rhyme appear in red. Identical pretonic Vs appear in CAPITALS.


  • Rich rhyme

    The term refers to rhyme pairs which beyond identical stressed vowels also display matching consonants in onset position, e.g., αλυσω.μένο /aliso'meno/ – γραμμένο /ɣra'meno/. Further categorization is implemented depending on how many consonants are identical within the rhyme pair. The identical segments are indicated with bold.

    ΡΖ ΙΙ

    S (singleton) C in cluster
    ΡΖ Ι S (singleton)

    Total rich rhyme with singleton consonants

    αλυσω.μένο – γραμμένο

    /aliso'meno/ –/γra'meno/


    Partially rich rhyme with C2

    απελπι.σμένα - κο.μμένα 
    /apelpi'zmena/ - /ko'mena/

    τρίζουν – φοβερίζουν
    /'trizun/ - /fove'rizun/

    νε.ρό - α.φρό
    /ne'ro/ - /a'fro/


    Partial rich rhyme with C1

    /'stomata/ - /'somata/

    C in cluster

    Total rich rhyme in cluster

    α.υγή – να βγει
    /a'vʝi/ - /na 'i/


    Partial rich rhyme in cluster, e.g., PR-CC1 (identical C1 but not C2)

    πη.χτά – βρα.χνά
    /pi'xta/ - /vra'xna/

    PR-CC1 ή PR-CC2
  • Imperfect Rhyme

    In imperfect rhymes there is alternation of either Vs or Cs within the rhyme, so that the two parts or the ΡΖ are similar, but not identical.

    ΡΖ ΙΙ Abbreviation
    ΡΖ I

    Imperfect in the stressed V: the stressed V of the rhyme
    is not identical within the ΡΖ

    χάνεται – γίνεται
    /'xanete/ - /'ʝinete/

    αγέρι – λογάρι
    /a'ʝeri/ - /lo'γari/


    Imperfect in C: one or more Cs after the stressed V
    are not identical within the ΡΖ

    βρίσκει - πνίγει
    /'vrisci/ - /'pniʝi/

    ξαφνίζει – τεχνίτη
    /ksaf'nizi/ - /te'xniti/


    Imperfect rhyme with 0-C alternation (IMP-0): within the ΡΖ,
    a C appears only in one part, but not in the other


    0-C alternation in coda position

    πιστοί – χαρείς
    /pi'sti/ - /xa'ris/


    0-C alternation iternally

    ωραίοι – κατατρεμένοι
    /o'rei/ - /katatre'meni/


    N.B.1: More complex imperfect rhymes are theoretically possible, such as the ΡΖ πλέκονταν – λύνονταν /'plekodan/ /'linodan/ (combination imperfect V and C) or ΡΖ μπορούσαν – ριζώσουν /bo'rusan/ /ri'zosun/ (two Vs not identical). Such cases have been excluded, as their identification as rhymes is not certain and is highly dependent on the speaker/listener. On a practical level too, they would greatly complicate the algorithms.

    N.B.2: The algorithm is designed to identify the category IMP-0 too, given its mention in the bibliography. This category is rather difficult for the reader/listener to perceive, in comparison to IMP-V and IMP-C, which are perceptually more accessible. We therefore advise users to deselect the category IMP-0 in the statistical analysis if they wish to only see perceptually transparent rhymes.

  • Pretonic V-identity

    As many poets, e.g., Solomos, seem to expand the ΡΖ towards the left of the stressed V onto the previous (pretonic) V, we consider this parameter too. The vowel in question is capitalized.

    ΡΖ ΙΙ Abbreviation
    ΡΖ I

    Pretonic identity of V
    (the unstressed V before the rhyme is identical within the ΡΖ)

    μΙκρά – δΙψά
    /mI'kra/ - /ðI'psa/

    Ανάφτει – Αστράφτει
    /A'nafti/ - /A'strafti/


    Pretonic identity of V across words

    θανατΙκό – ΟΙ δυό
    /θanatI'ko/ - /I 'ðʝo/

    τΟ βόλι – εκείτΟντ’ όλοι
    /tO 'voli/ - /e'citOd 'oli/

    μέσΑ στέρνες – βλΑχέρνες
    /mesa 'sternes/ - /vla'ҫernes/

  • Μosaic rhyme

    This type is found when the rhyme spans across two words in one or both parts of the ΡΖ.

    ΡΖ ΙΙ Abbreviation
    ΡΖ I

    Mosaic rhyme

    δώς μου / φώς μου
    /'ðos mu/ - /'fos mu/


  • Copy

    This type is found when the exact same words/phrases are repeated as rhymes.

    ΡΖ ΙΙ Abbreviation
    ΡΖ I


    δεν είναι/ παν είναι
    / πάλι

    /ðen 'ine/ /pan 'ine/
    /'pali/ /'pali/


Greek Rhyme


The present pilot webpage is part of the research program “Rhyme in Modern Greek: Quantitative and qualitative data and integration in the typology of the phenomenon crosslinguistically” funded by the Research Committee of AUTh (Research project: 93330).

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Τομέας Θεωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Γλωσσολογίας